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Strong Body – Above the Knee


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If you are starting out your journey in recovering from amputation, I have to mention there is no substitute for a good physical therapist.  Part of my work is helping folks to understand the benefits of receiving a proper rehabilitation program.

That being said, this book, while designed to be a fitness program, was created by a physical therapist (me!).  Therefore, its structure and language are similar as to what you may already be hearing (hopefully) from your PT.  Use these exercises as a support to go along with your physical therapy program. Share this book with your PT and you’ll see their eyes light up because they will be able to indicate to you which exercises are best suited for you at this point in time!

The Strong Body series is divided into the different aspects of maintaining overall strength: arms, legs, core, balance, and flexibility.  The exercises are then broken down into Phases I, II, and III for beginner, intermediate, and advanced fitness levels. 

Also, many of these exercises, especially in Phase I are shown with the prosthesis on AND off. I always encourage my patients to try these exercises with the prosthesis on, however, there are some who can activate the muscle group when the prosthesis is off, and that’s ok!

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